Frequently Asked Questions
About the Grace Bible Church Fellows Program.
If you have any other questions, feel free to email
What does a typical week look like in the Grace Fellows Program? OR What will I be doing day-to-day as a Fellow?
Fellows Job Description:
Administration & Support Raising: 1-2 hours per week
Professional Development: 2-4 hours per week
Theological Development: 5-7 hours per week
Character and Personal Development: 3-4 hours per week
Department Specific Ministry*: 21-27 hrs
Your day-to-day experience is dependent on what area of ministry you are serving in. If you are accepted, you will be under a supervisor who will provide you with specific ministerial duties and will also oversee your spiritual and professional development
Who is Reliant and how are they affiliated with Grace Bible Church?
- Reliant is an evangelical Christian mission agency who is a trusted partner with hundreds of missional churches and Gospel-centered non-profits. Reliant partners with missional churches, like Grace Bible Church, to mobilize support-based missionaries for the great commission.
- Reliant actually employs all Fellows and “assigns” them to Grace Bible Church. We partner with Reliant because they specialize in equipping and sending church-based missionaries like our Fellows. This partnership allows Grace to focus on ministry and Reliant to serve the Fellows in aspects of employment and support team development.
Why do we support raise?
- We have Fellows raise support for their ministry training for several reasons. First, we believe raising financial support is grounded in the Bible. There are countless illustrations in the New Testament of churches and individuals financially supporting the work of those called to the task of ministry. While some individuals may receive their support from a congregation, others receive their support through the generous partnership of many believers and many churches. As a Fellow, you are not only raising funds, you’re developing your ministry support team for the future! This leads to the second reason: relationships. Raising support allows the opportunity for relationships to grow and for specifically gifted people to engage in ministry to the Fellow in various ways like providing prayer, finances, and encouragement. Developing a support team is about much more than finances – it’s about helping individuals in our church and other churches participate in the joy of ministry in relationships with ministers and missionaries. Finally, support raising allows for a Fellow to grow in his or her faith, seeing and experiencing God’s provision in unique ways many have never had. While this may seem like a daunting task, we have seen over the course of the last decade that God uses support team development to grow Fellows in their trust in Christ!
How do we support raise?
- The Fellows Program, in partnership with Reliant, provides full support raising training. Every Fellow attends this training in-person so that we can provide the best face-to-face preparation possible. Our training includes developing a theology of support raising, demonstrating a biblical perspective on ministry partnership, practically setting support goals, and training vision casting skills to equip Fellows for success in developing a ministry team. Additionally, each Fellow is given personal coaching and regular communication during the support raising season. Following training, our Fellows are deputized by Reliant to raise funds for their ministry leading up to the residency start date in August. Each Fellow can expect to spend three to five months developing a ministry team and raising support depending on the number of weekly hours he or she is able to invest. All Fellows are expected to be fully funded before commencing their Residency.
How much do we support raise and what does it cover?
- Fellows raise funds for the total cost of their employment (salary, insurance, taxes, and program costs). It is Reliant’s practice to work with predetermined salaries for living in College Station and help each Fellow to establish a customized budget and a support goal that takes into consideration their individual circumstances. It is each Fellow’s responsibility to raise 100% of his or her determined goal.
- Due to the intensity of the program, working a second job during the program is strongly discouraged, and often not permitted for most Fellows.
How long is the Fellows Program?
- The Fellows Program is a two-year program that starts in August and ends two years later in July. *Some exceptions may be granted on a case by case basis*