Blinn and Texas A&M

Grace College

The mission of Grace College is to help people Find & Follow Jesus.

In pursuit of this mission, we focus on four key strategies:
Reaching the lost with the love of Christ.
Discipling believers to make more disciples.
Equipping students for a lifetime of serving as spiritual influencers in their homes, churches, workplaces, and communities.
Multiplying gospel-movements on college campuses locally, domestically, and internationally.

News & Events

College Coffee House
December 3 & 4 | Various Times

Need a space to study for finals? Join us for Coffee House this semester! More details below.

Creekside College

What to Expect

We desire to see students’ lives changed as they hear the Word of God & see the Love of God in our midst.

Creekside College in Main Service:
11 AM
Monthly College Nights:
8 PM

Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings, we invite you to sit with us in the College section of the main service at 11am! We will have signs & leaders directing you to our section if you would like to sit with other students on Sunday morning.

Creekside Family

Being a part of our Creekside Family means that many of our College Students also serve on a Sunday morning to integrate with other families and adults.

College Nights

We would love to see you at Creekside at 8 pm on the last Thursday of every month: the first two will be on August 29 and September 26! These College Nights will include an opportunity to worship God with your community, hear a message in our "overcoming" series, and connect with other students at Creekside!

Serving in Creekside College

Interested in serving in the Creekside College Ministry? Join our College Night serve team, known as the "Night Shift." The "Night Shift" is a team of students who help make our College Nights run smoothly, and create an inviting environment. This is an opportunity to help set-up, greet, lead worship, connect students to getting plugged into our ministry and much more! Fill out the form below if interested. 

Interested in Serving Here

Piece by Peace

An initiative to engage college students in the Great Commission.

Grace Groups

Join a Group

College Grace Groups are groups that meet weekly to help students connect, grow, and engage with God and other college students. With a variety of focuses and topics, they also serve as a tool to equip students to disciple others and spread the gospel to their communities and beyond.

Couples: Merge
More Details

Starts Feb 4 2025 | 7-9pm


Anderson Campus

Celebrate Recovery
More Details

Every Tuesday | 7 PM


Southwood Campus

GriefShare: Co-Ed Group
More Details

September 4 - December 4 | 7-8:45 PM


Anderson Campus


Here at Grace Bible Church, we are passionate about helping the nations Find & Follow Jesus. Though we first started with just a few missionaries, we have grown to have over seventy missionary families in more than twenty countries. There is a place for everyone to serve!

Central Asia | Kansas City | North Africa | Oasis Project

Find Out MoreQuestions?


At Grace, we believe that service is a vital part of our mission to raise up next-generation leaders to reach our world for Christ.

Outreach Opportunities

Explore all of the ways to plug into Grace Bible's areas of outreach. There are numerous outreach opportunities internationally as well as here in our own community.

Volunteer Opportunities

There are numerous ways to serve the College Ministry here at Grace. Look here to find out where you can volunteer to help students find and follow Jesus.

Find Out More
Meet the team

College Staff

Ben's Info
Ben Clausen

College Minister Creekside

Courtney's Info
Courtney Smith

College & Youth Administrator Creekside

See Fellows